In this example I have the list of CRM records in a CSV file that gets imported as an array of objects. The only requirement here is to have the record ID (GUID) of the record you want to delete. Deleting records is a little easier because you don't need to create an entity object. You just provide the record id and entity logical name ('salesorder' in this example), and call the Delete command.
As always, this script follows the same template I showed in my first post. Please refer to that for more details.
#Add SDK references
Add-Type -Path "MySDKPath\Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll";
Add-Type -Path "MySDKPath\Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll";
Add-Type -Path "MySDKPath\Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll";
# Configure CRM connection
$CRMUrl = "http://MyCRMURL";
$CRMLogin = "MyDomain\MyUserID";
$CRMPwd = Read-Host "Enter password for account $CRMLogin"
$CRMConnection = [Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CrmConnection]::Parse("Url=$CRMUrl; Username=$CRMLogin; Password=$CRMPwd");
$CRMService = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Services.OrganizationService -ArgumentList $CRMConnection;
#Import List of Records to Process
$sourceRecords = Import-Csv "C:\MyListOfRecords.csv"
#Optional Counter to show progress
$count = 0
#Process each record in the csv file.
foreach($record in $sourceRecords){
$count ++;
Write-Host "Deleting record $count of"$sourceRecords.Count". Record ID = "$record.salesorderid
$CRMService.Delete("salesorder", $record.salesorderid.Guid);
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