Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Associating Related CRM Records Via PowerShell

Hello.  This is the third post in a series about working with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM API using PowerShell.  If you haven't read the earlier posts, please do as the examples here rely on the code template in this post.

Here, I plan to show how to update lookup fields and append child records in CRM using PowerShell and the CRM API.  I felt this required a separate post because there are two ways to do it and the calls are different depending on which method you use.

As usual, I'm using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 on premise at the time of this post.  However this script should work for all version 2011 and beyond.

Option 1
This option is probably the simplest and can be best thought of as simply populating a lookup field. In CRM lookup fields are objects, and require two attributes to properly populate: Entity logical name and record ID (a GUID).  Another way to think of it is appending a child record to a parent.  In this example, the code needs to be run from the child record (i.e., the record with the lookup field).

To populate a lookup field, you need to create a new EntityReference object.  Then you'll set the entity name as the LogicalName attribute and the record GUID as the Id attribute.  Once that's set then you can simply set the field value and use the Update call as we've seen in my prior posts:

$lookupObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference;
$lookupObject.LogicalName = "account";
$lookupObject.Id = "[myGUID]";
$targetRecord["mylookupfield"] = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference] $lookupObject;


Option 2
This way is basically the opposite of the previous.  Instead of populating the lookup field on the child record, this second option is run from the parent record and will append child records to it.

#Create an EntityReferenceCollection object which will contain one or more child entities, stored in one or more Entity Reference objects.  
$relatedEntities = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReferenceCollection;
$childEntity1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference;
$childEntity2 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference;

#Add the child entity(ies) to the EntityReferenceCollection variable.  

#Assign the Id and LogicalName of each child record to identify which record we're appending to the parent.  
$childEntity1.Id = "[myGUID]";
$childEntity1.LogicalName = "account";

$childEntity2.Id = "[myGUID]";
$childEntity2.LogicalName = "account";

#to associate the records we need to know which relationship in CRM to use.  Save this in a Relationship object as follows.  
$CompanyRelationship = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Relationship -ArgumentList "account_parent_account"
$CompanyRelationship.PrimaryEntityRole = "Referenced";

#Use the Associate command to append the records.  Arguments required for the Associate command are 1) Parent entity logical name, 2) Parent GUID, 3) Relationship object, and 4) the child entity collection.  
$service.Associate("account", "myParentRecordGUID", $CompanyRelationship, $relatedEntities); 

Clearly, the simplest way to append records is Option 1 above as it's basically populating a lookup field.  But if the case arises where you need to trigger the command from the parent record, Option 2 might be the way to go.

Thanks for reading.  

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Updating Different CRM Data Types with PowerShell

In my introductory post on updating Dynamics CRM records with PowerShell here I walked through the simplest example of how to update a text field.  If you're new here please refer to that post as it also contains other important building blocks for accessing the CRM API with PowerShell.  Please get familiar with the structure of the script there.  In this post I'll show how to update additional field types.  CRM treats certain field as simple data types, but others are entered as objects and require some additional coding.

Again, I'm using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and PowerShell version 3, but this code should work on most, if not all versions.

Using this post as a template, the code in each of the following sections should go in SECTION 6 of the script.  Each field you want to update on the CRM record will need one of these lines configured for your specific field.

Text Fields
# Nothing special here.  Just set the value with a string.  
$recordToUpdate["mytextfield"] = "My New Text"

Numeric Fields
# Similar to text, but sometimes I've needed to precede the value with the data type.  This may or may not be necessary depending on where the data is coming from.  
$recordToUpdate["mynumberfield"] = [decimal]25

Boolean (Two Options)
# Set the value of a boolean field with system variables ($true or $false) or system values (1 or 2)
$recordToUpdate["myboolfield"] = $true

Date/Time fields
# CRM accepts date fields as a string as long as it's formatted correctly.  I'm in the US, so for me it's [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS].  
$recordToUpdate["mydatefield"] = "01/01/1900 00:00:00"

# Store a new Money object in a variable and add the value in the ArgumentList parameter.
$priceCurrency = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money -ArgumentList 25

# Set the field value to the Money variable as follows
$recordToUpdate["mycurrencyfield"] = [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money] $priceCurrency

Option Sets 
# Store a new OptionSeValue object in a variable and add the value in the ArgumentList parameter.
$optionSetValue = New-Object -TypeName  Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue -ArgumentList 100000

# Set the field value to the OptionSetValue variable as follows
$recordToUpdate["myoptionsetfield"]= [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue] $optionSetValue 

In a future post I will show how to update lookup fields and append records through the API with PowerShell.